Crispy Fog in August ~ 25 July 2021

On 27 July, a planetary pattern occurs of personal import that certainly demands its due. This aspect dramatically contributes to the vibrational agenda of August. The transit contrasts Mars in Leo via a square to Ceres in Taurus. Ceres, now in standing as a dwarf planet, in terms of her physical composition, is more than intriguing. In fact, ice on her surface leads astronomers to speculate that she once may have resided in the Kuiper Belt, only to be gravitationally escorted away from the realm of Pluto by Jupiter.

Both Mars and Ceres possess reputations of crankiness and abrupt edges that stimulate impulsive action, sometimes without consideration of consequence or long-term results. Perhaps an astrological descriptor that euphemistically applies would be that both these planets engage life through a “crispness.” Perhaps aspire for crispness to be constructive and contributive.

The important components of this square breakdown as follows:

Ceres seeks to preserve real world assets and ensure no one tampers with money, intellectual property or other projects currently in creation. She advocates to claim what is hers in no uncertain terms and is known to apply whatever measures she deems appropriate.

Mars in Leo acts through a certain element of pride. The defense of ego seems to be a priority concern. As the week advances and he shifts signs, there is the possibility for some walking back of modest and impeccable action.

The latter suggestion for Mars sharpens on 29 July as he enters Virgo, where he transits until 15 September. Through the entire month of August Mars turns his attention toward fine-tuning actions taken and working to apply the concept that “the devil is in the details.” Despite his impatient desire for progress, failure to attend to any necessary task or component along the way will become untied shoelaces - a tripping hazard zone is in play.

Also this week, on 31 July, Ceres enters Gemini. She will have a retrograde induced return to Taurus in December and into February of 2022, when she completes her hopscotching through Gemini into May of 2022.

Immediately following their square in fixed signs, Mars and Ceres migrate into mutability. Does this mean their efforts and methods mellow? Not exactly. This does mean that as Mars deals with the devil who demands that things get done in a precise manner of which Virgo shall approve, Ceres resorts to Geminian cleverness as tactics for her purposes. This would be verbal prestidigitation. Sure, magic tricks for entertainment are one thing, but here Ceres likely works to apply slight of hand methods to communications. Her purposes are twofold: to issue a warning that while intended to protect her domain, might shoot herself in the foot, and to conjure shiny objects that divert those she perceives as interlopers from seeing what she’s actually working to get done.

Truly, Mars will be annoyed with Ceres when she reports that he needs to attend to some details she promised were in the making. After all, while their precise square is behind them, they transit signs that square.

To resolve the ongoing tension between these players as August advances, two things will help. One, establish clarity of vision within the end game big picture concept for how life in progress is perceived. Two, prioritize the “to-do” list for the month and when things are successfully accomplished, tick those items off the list. That’s the kind of satisfaction that Saturn will be inclined to notice and support from his station across the sky.

On 10 August, Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. This foggy pattern requires more and more inspiration to fuel the grind of the daily doing of required tasks. Find inspiration in whatever you can. If it works for you to listen to tunes while you work, do so. Or whistle while you work. Should silence be golden, savor the sound of silence then. Strike environmental notes that stimulate the best of the inspiration inside to find its way to your creation. Right now, Venus and Neptune widely square the progressively inspirational Galactic Center. Take some time to stare at clouds... or a bubbling stream. At night, idly ponder the sky and let inspiration roll over you. The Galactic Center transmits to all those positioning their receptivity its direction.

It should be noted that Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on 2 September. While he’s muttering to himself, “What the hell am I looking for in the garage?” what he actually notices might be the missing piece to polish off the actions of August.

So, back to the crispness of August. On the 11 August, Mars’ Virgo position squares the lunar nodes along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. This pacifies any angst Mars may possess by pointing out that the actions taken are the strategic mile markers on the road to fulfilling ones purpose in life. The reason... the method behind the madness... is restated and infused in the string tied around the index finger which can oft be used for making important points and emphasizing the greatness of the mission engaged and insights noted from the Galactic Center.

On 25 August, Ceres in Gemini conjoins the Moon’s North Node. This is simple actually. Your karma is your cause. Your very reason to do anything you do must serve the ultimate aspiration you possessed upon incarnation whether consciously realized or not. If the cause is vague or unspecified, no worries. It’s out there. Trust that the foghorns of life persist in refining your direction in a manner that is focused and on point and that will please Mars’ current obsession with “any job worth doing is worth doing right.”

An underscoring theme to these personal planets in August supports clear and accurate messaging. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Resist the urge to claim the right to say whatever you want in whatever way you want to say it. There is always decorum and protocol and Mars does transit Libra after his time in Virgo finishes. Take a moment to reflect on what might be on the tip of your tongue. Also keep in mind this is one of those times when people are likely to notice what you do more than listening to what you say.

The collective filtering mechanism of “noise,” distraction, and slight of hand functions well in August. It alone cuts through the fog and permits each person tuning into the trends to find a more chaos-free approach to create personal crispness and methodical progress.

More soon.